Dale Clevenger, primo corno della Chicago Symphony Orchestra dal Febbraio del 1966, è un musicista versatile in diversi campi. Si è diplomato presso la Carnegie-Mellon University di Pittsburgh. I suoi mentori sono stati Arnold Jacobs ed Adolph Herseth. Prima di entrare nella Chicago Symphony, Clevenger è stato membro della American Symphony Orchestra di Leopold Stokowski e della Symphony of the Air, diretta da Alfred Wallenstein, ed è stato primo corno della Kansas City Philharmonic. Ha suonato come solista con orchestre di tutto il mondo, compreso un recente impegno con la Filarmonica di Berlino sotto la direzione di daniel Baremboim. Ha partecipato a molti festival: Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, Florida Music Festival, Sarasota, Marrowstone Music Festival, Port Townsend, Washington, ed Affinis Music Festival, Giappone. La sua carriera di direttore d'orchestra lo ha portato, come ospite, alla guida di: New Japan Philharmonic (Tokyo), Louisiana Philharmonic, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Florida Symphony (Tampa), Civic Orchestra (Chicago), Toronto Conservatory Orchestra, Northwestern University Summer Symphony, Santa Cruz Symphony (California), Western Australia Symphony Orchestra (Perth), Aguascaliente Symphony Orchestra (Mexico), Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra.

Dale Clevenger, principal horn of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra since February 1966, is a versatile musician in many areas. He is a graduate of Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh. His mentors are Arnold Jacobs and Adolph Herseth. Before joining the Chicago Symphony, Mr. Clevenger was a member of Leopold Stokowski's American Symphony Orchestra and the Symphony of the Air, directed by Alfred Wallenstein, and was principal horn with the Kansas City Philharmonic. He has appeared as soloist with orchestras worldwide, including a recent solo engagement with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Daniel Barenboim, conductor. He has taken part in many music festivals: Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, Florida Music Festival, Sarasota, Marrowstone Music Festival, Port Townsend, Washington, and Affinis Music Festival, Japan. His conducting career has included guest appearances with the New Japan Philharmonic, Tokyo, the Louisiana Philharmonic, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, the Florida Symphony, Tampa, the Civic Orchestra Chicago, the Toronto Conservatory Orchestra, the Northwestern University Summer Symphony, the Santa Cruz Symphony, California, the Western Australia Symphony Orchestra, Perth, the Aguascaliente Symphony Orchestra, Mexico, and the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra.
Dale Clevenger ist seit 1966 Solo-Hornist des Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Zuvor wirkte er beim American Symphony Orchestra unter Leopold Stokowski mit. Clevenger wurde in Chattanooga, Tenn. geboren und besuchte das Carnegie Institute of Technoloy. Mit dem CSO, der New York Philharmonic, der Pittsburgh Symphony und anderen machte er zahlreiche Aufnahmen. Er ist Mitglied der Fakultät der Northwestern University.